What are the system requirements for ForkLift 4?
ForkLift 4 requires macOS Monterey (macOS 12) or later.
ForkLift 4 requires macOS Monterey (macOS 12) or later.
Please read our Quick Start Guide on how to start using ForkLift 4 and the basics of using the app.
You don't have to delete ForkLift 3 when transitioning to ForkLift 4. Simply move ForkLift 4 into the Applications folder using Finder and choose to "Keep Both" versions if Finder detects a conflict in the file names. If you don't want to keep ForkLift 3, then Replace ForkLift 3 with ForkLift 4.
Avoid using an App Deleter application to uninstall any ForkLift versions, as these applications often remove supporting files for both ForkLift 3 and ForkLift 4, potentially causing the loss of your settings and favorites. If you need to remove one ForkLift version, just move it into the Trash.
The license of ForkLift is a hybrid model between the one-time purchase and the subscription model. With a license of ForkLift, you can use ForkLift for as long as you want and install updates for either 1 or 2 years, depending on your selection. If you wish to install a new update to ForkLift after that, you will need to buy a new license.
If you purchased a ForkLift license within the past year, then your license key is still valid for ForkLift 4. Enter your license key into the Registration Window of ForkLift 4, and ForkLift 4 will display if the license is valid for that version. After you enter a license key, you can check the date of its validity under ForkLift > About ForkLift.
If you already own a ForkLift license, then you are eligible for an upgrade bonus of an additional 100 days of free updates on top of your license and any additional bonuses. To claim the bonus, enter your old license key in our store and buy a new licensese. The additional days will be automatically added to your license. You can check the eligibility of free updates under ForkLift > About ForkLift in the menu of ForkLift.
If you haven't had the chance to upgrade your old license key, but you already own a ForkLift 4 license key, starting from version 4.0.6, you can now claim the upgrade inside ForkLift 4.
Follow these steps to claim the bonus:
You can read more about the upgrade bonus in this blog post.
If you purchased ForkLift 2 in the App Store, then you are eligible for the upgrade bonus. To claim the bonus, send an email to support@binarynights.com with the subject MASUPGRADE, and we will get back to you with the instructions.
Students, teachers and lecturers are eligible for an educational discount. To apply, send an email to support@binarynights.com with the subject Student Discount. Send this email using your educational email address or provide a digital proof of your eligibility (for example Student ID Card, Transcript, etc.) in your email.
ForkLift 4 is available through Setapp.
Try to retrieve your license key through our Lost Serial Form on the top of this page. Enter the email address that you used to buy ForkLift and click Resend. If you don't receive an email from us, then contact us at support@binarynights.com, and we will look up your license key. Send us the email address and name that you used to buy ForkLift and your Order ID if available.
Do the following to import your ForkLift 3 favorites into ForkLift 4 after the initial setup:
Step 3 through step 6 are only needed if favorite sync to iCloud was enabled, if it wasn't then after step 2 you can jump to step 7.
Multi-rename and sync favorites can’t be imported from ForkLift 3 because those features work differently in the two versions.
The Purchase menu is inside the app: you can find it in the menu bar of ForkLift. If you can't find it, then check the version number under ForkLift > About ForkLift and make sure that it starts with 4. If it doesn't start with 4, then download ForkLift 4 from our website and register it. If the version number starts with 4 and you can see a license type and a name below it, then you have already registered ForkLift 4.
There is no need to deregister or deactivate ForkLift. Just install ForkLift on your new Mac and register it with your license key.
Set a column width you prefer, then choose "Save View Settings as Defaults" from the View menu. In the other pane, choose "Restore Default View Settings" from the View menu to apply.
Press Command-C to copy then Command-Option-V to move, or choose File > Copy then File > Move Items Here while holding the Option key.
If you don't want to see the folders always on top or don't want them to be alphabetically sorted, then open the View Options (View > Show View Options) and uncheck the "Always sort alphabetically" and/or the "Show folders on top" settings.
Grant full disk access to ForkLift at System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy.
It is possible to refresh the file view in ForkLift in three different ways:
If an app has been started not from the Applications library for the first time, macOS puts the app in quarantine. To fix it, please try the following:
sudo xattr -d -r -s com.apple.quarantine /Applications/ForkLift.app
~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs
ForkLift can connect to S3 compatible storages like Wasabi or Digital Ocean Spaces. To connect to an S3 compatible service:
Yes, ForkLift 4 supports direct connections to Dropbox.
Unfortunately, there is no API available for this feature, so we can't implement Dropbox Smart Sync in ForkLift.
Yes, you can connect to OneDrive in ForkLift 4
Select View > Show View Options from the menu or press Command-J to open the View Options Panel and deselect Treat packages as folders.
By default, applications run as the currently logged-in user. Even if you are an administrator, some tasks require additional, elevated privileges. This means that to protect your system, ForkLift doesn't have the rights to execute some tasks such as creating an item into the Users directory without permission of an administrator. Apple requires to only grant these elevated privileges to an application when and for as long as these are needed. To make this possible, developers are required to create helper tools that manage these elevated privileges. The first time you want to execute an action that needs elevated privileges, ForkLift asks you to install the helper tool, and later on, the helper tool asks for an administrative password every time you want to execute actions that require elevated privileges.
Currently, there is no set location of the remote and local directories. ForkLift always opens the connections/favorites in the active pane. Please make sure that the desired pane is active, before opening a remote server. You can switch between the panes by pressing the Tab key. If you have opened a remote server accidentally on the wrong side, you can swap the two panes with each other at any time by selecting View > Swap Panes from the menu.
As a workaround, you can create workspaces for your connections. When you click on a workspace in the sidebar, it reopens the saved panes and tabs in the same place and order as you saved them in:
You can contact support at support [at] binarynights [dot] com